Overwatch 2 Push glitch causes players to get stuck in map

Andrew Highton
players pushing robot in overwatch 2

A potentially game-breaking Overwatch 2 map glitch in the Push game mode is causing players a lot of frustration as they can’t move.

Overwatch 2 welcomed a lot of new stuff to the franchise. It features new maps, new Heroes such as Kiriko, and the Push game mode. For those unaware, Push sees both teams squaring off in an effort to advance a giant robot across the map until it reaches the enemy team’s spawn zone.

It results in many topsy-turvy, back-and-forth affairs. There’s a real sense of danger if you get wiped out though as it can give the opposition the impetus to make a real charge. According to recent reports though, there is a completely different danger in the mode altogether – the maps themselves.

Overwatch 2 map glitch getting players stuck in Push

In Push, players will be inserted into one of many different maps. As OW2 player -BuckyBarnes discovered, if you’re unlucky, maps can be detrimental to your team’s success.

“Be careful on Push Maps – You can get stuck now,” they claimed, and to prove they weren’t lying, they attached a video of themself getting stuck in one of the game’s maps. Rolling out as Bastion, the user walked over one of the maps checkpoint spots and immediately got stuck.

One commenter jokingly said that they’ve “turned the checkpoints into permanent Junkrat traps,” and another person commented: “Happened to me as well, exact same spot.”

The OP added: “Posted it on the bug report Overwatch forums as well, but wanted to share the word because I really think this cost my team a win in comp. You can see I get stuck and am just floating indefinitely. My bouncy bombs won’t dislodge me, turret form, nothing. My duo (Ana) temporarily gets stuck but my little Bastion body was so fat it launched her out. DO NOT walk close to the edges of the blue pushbot end zone!”

Presumably, there’s a slight hitch in the game’s code that can be easily rectified. The devs certainly have their work cut out for them right now as they have only recently banned over 250,000 Overwatch 2 accounts.