Sea of Stars DLC: Throes of the Watchmaker – Everything we know

Brad Norton
Sea of Stars Throes of the Watchmaker DLC

Sea of Stars DLC is indeed on the way as Throes of the Watchmaker draws near. While the base game itself only just launched, and thus, it’s early days yet, here’s a full look at everything we know about the new content so far.

Three years after its Kickstarter caught fire, Sea of Stars is finally out in the wild. Having been met with near-unanimous critical acclaim and commercial success all the same, it’s proven to be another smash hit for Sabotage Studio.

In our review, we called it a “masterfully made video game that cements itself atop the JRPG genre.” And while there’s plenty to keep you hooked for dozens of hours, some fans are already looking to the pixellated horizon for what comes next.

Thankfully, we know for certain that DLC is in the works. As confirmed through the Kickstarter campaign years prior, at least one follow-up piece of content will soon jump into the spotlight. But what exactly will it focus on? And when can we expect to see it? Here’s what we know about the Throes of the Watchmaker DLC.


An image of Sea of Stars official artwork.
Sea of Stars is set to receive at least one DLC adventure down the line.

Does the Sea of Stars DLC have a release date?

No, the Sea of Stars DLC does not currently have a release date, nor a rough release window.

For the time being, we know nothing beyond the fact the Throes of the Watchmaker DLC is in development and that it’s been in the pipeline for a number of years. But just how much longer fans will have to wait remains a mystery.

Game Director Thierry Boulanger revealed in an August 2023 interview that Sabotage Studio is now split in two. One half of the team is already working on the next game, while the other half is continuing work on Sea of Stars DLC. Therefore, it could be a while before we see this new expansion come to fruition.

What is the Sea of Stars DLC about? Throes of the Watchmaker plot details

As its name implies, the Throes of the Watchmaker DLC centers around the Watchmaker herself. This character was introduced during the main story in Sea of Stars, and for completionists, you’ve likely already beaten her at her own game, Wheels.

So we know for certain the Watchmaker will play a vital role in the story, and perhaps even feature as a new party member along for the journey. We also have one loose comment to speculate on as devs teased a “clockwork conundrum.”

It’s therefore likely Clockwork Castle is the main area of focus for the DLC, but there’s always a chance new areas are introduced as well. We’ll just have to wait and see where the adventure leads.

Wheels minigame in Sea of Stars
Wheels is just one of the Watchmaker’s many whimsical creations.

We also know the DLC will look to continue bridging Sea of Stars with Sabotage Studio’s broader universe as well. Given its ties to The Messenger, it seems devs are eager to “provide additional insight on the narrative overarching all of our games.”

How big will the Throes of the Watchmaker DLC be for Sea of Stars?

For the time being, there’s no telling the exact scope of the Sea of Stars DLC. Though it has been described as a fully-fledged side-adventure, meaning it could stand alone as a fairly lengthy campaign.

Given the main journey can take a few dozen hours, with hidden collectibles and side content adding more time on the clock, it’d be wise not to anticipate the same package here with the DLC.

We’ll have to keep our eyes peeled for any further details on the Throes of the Watchmaker DLC as Sea of Stars continues to steal the hearts of gamers around the globe.