Monster Hunter Now players call out glaring issue with Qualily’s Special Quests event

James Busby
Anjanath opening its mouth n Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter Now players have called out Niantic over Qualily’s Special Quests, the latest event that features one glaring problem. 

Qualily’s Special Quests will give Monster Hunter Now players the chance to farm more rare gathering materials, like Carpenter Bugs and Monster Bone+. These resources are required to forge the best Monster Hunter Now weapons, which are needed to beat the game’s most fearsome foes. 

Certain players have struggled to get these items and Niantic aims to rectify this with the release of Qualily’s Special Quests. However, players have now found one glaring issue with the event, with many calling out Niantic over a requirement that will limit many Hunters’ abilities to reap the full rewards.

Monster Hunter Now players call out Qualily’s Special Quests event

While Monster Hunter Now enables players to team up with others via co-op, they have to be near one another to embark on hunts. This isn’t a problem in areas that have a high population density, but for rural players and those living in areas where Monster Hunter Now isn’t so popular, finding other Hunters can prove near impossible. 

While the game can be played solo there are often times when playing in a group can have its benefits. In this case, some of Qualily’s Special Quests will require players to join Group hunts to complete them. 

Qualily with monster Hunter Now materials
Qualily’s Special Quests event features group hunt quests.

This essentially means that many players will be locked out of receiving the event’s full rewards. “What a great choice Niantic for those of us that live rural and/or don’t have anyone to hunt with,” said one player. “This isn’t like PoGo where you can just find a group on raid day.”

Another player also commented on how Monster Hunter Now’s lack of online multiplayer makes situations like this trickier. “Shady move on their part IMO, but if you have a SO, tablet, work phone, etc, it’s doable. Still, I think this was a poor choice on Niantic’s part considering how much more difficult it is to group up in MHN than it is for PoGo.”

Others even noted how they live in cities but have yet to encounter other players, which means it’s not just rural players who are being affected by this requirement. Quite how many quests will require players to play in group hunting sessions remains to be seen, but for now, it appears completing these quests won’t be achievable for all.