Pokemon Go player shocked as a mythical reward just runs away

Nathan Ellingsworth
Shaymin appeaers against a blurred floral background

One perplexed Pokemon Go player was left confused after a seemingly guaranteed research task reward instead fled from the encounter.

Pokemon Go is all about that iconic phrase – Gotta Catch ‘Em All – and while catching some Pokemon is an easier task than others, Niantic’s mobile megaton occasionally rewards players with some very special Pocket Monsters if you can complete particular tasks.

One such research task is the Shaymin Grass and Gratitude challenge, a series of tough tasks that eventually reward the player with the mythical grass-type Pokemon, Shaymin. The adorable horticultural hedgehog is especially hard to find in the games, so this encounter is a special one.

Ordinarily in Pokemon Go, once you complete this sort of special research task, if the reward is an especially rare Pokemon like a mythical or a legendary, the counter is a guaranteed catch. You might have to throw a couple of Poke Balls, but normally that Pokemon is perfectly poised to join your Pocket Monster posse. Well, normally anyway.

Pokemon Go player bewildered after “guaranteed” Shaymin flees

Key art for Pokemon Go shows the Pokemon Shaymin in a flowery field

Recently Pokemon Go player DaysandDaze took to a Reddit thread to voice their disappointment, as upon completing a research task and finally earning an encounter with Shaymin, the mythical Pokemon just ran away instead.

Luckily, Shaymin isn’t gone forever, and other users in the thread were happy to explain exactly what went wrong. The guaranteed Grass and Gratitude special research task encounter is a lovely addition to the game with a bespoke background, and it only needs a regular Poke Ball.

Seemingly to ensure trainers have a Poke Ball at the ready, instead of demanding the slightly rarer Great Ball or Ultra Ball, this encounter actually necessitates a regular Poke Ball. In this instance, DaysandDaze was out of regular Poke Balls, but returning to the encounter with the classic balls worked a treat.

byu/DaysandDaze from discussion

About The Author

Nathan is a Senior Writer at Dexerto, leading our Pokemon coverage. They got their start with print magazines ranging from Switch Player to lock-on, before writing Nintendo & Pokemon-focused pieces for The Gamer, Nintendo Life, Pocket Tactics, and more. They're obsessed with Shiny-hunting, Pokemon TCG, rhythm games, and RPGs.