Pokemon Go player submits hilarious PokeStop and dog owners want it approved

Connor Knudsen
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Not all PokeStops in Pokemon Go are glorious. Some, like this fan-submitted one, are a little bit rougher around the edges.

Pokemon Go players from all around the world have their go-to Pokestop’s that they use to get resources, eggs, and other items. They are a key part of the world of Pokemon Go, encouraging everyone to get out and go explore the world.

PokeStops can come in many different shapes and forms, largely depending on the areas they are in. Big cities will have these in abundance, due to their overall population density and many landmarks.

But, for those perhaps more removed from the city, stuck in the PokeStop deserts of the suburbs or the countryside, you need every PokeStop you can get. Especially ones that you can spin while you’re walking your dog.

Hilarious PokeStop Submission

Reddit user JustinLydard took matters into his own hands, boldly submitting a PokeStop request for a pet waste station that is likely near their place of residence. This, however, is no ordinary waste station. This is DoodyCalls Bag Waste Station #4.

This PokeStop request is still just that, a request, but the name of the stop and the description reading “Don’t be mean, keep our Earth clean! When walking your dogs, pick up their logs.” are both pretty hilarious in their own right.

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These happy Pokemon are free to walk without the worry of dog waste, thanks to the many pet waste stations in the world!

Although, as funny as the submission is, pet waste stations have proved to fail meeting community guidelines for PokeStops. This thread lays out a lot of why that is, referencing their being mass-produced and not encouraging exercise or exploration. But, as the old adage goes, you miss all the shots you don’t take.

For dog owners everywhere, this would certainly be a nice perk and a way to pick up some extra loot. And, who knows, with more submissions like these rolling in, Niantic may eventually change their stance on the matter.

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About The Author

Connor is a former writer at Dexerto based in Oklahoma City who covered Overwatch, New World and more. A lifetime gamer, he has been covering gaming and esports since 2018, and has competed since 2010. Yet, despite all of that, he still can't aim.