Starfield player manages to find a dagger with extended mags

John Esposito
Starfield player manages to find a dagger with extended mags

One Starfield player manages to find something incredibly bizarre, a knife with an extended magazine attachment.

Like most Bethesda Games, Starfield prides itself on providing players with plenty of things to uncover during their journey through space.

Whether it be fully exploring every corner of the map or crazy NPC encounters, there’s plenty to find in-game. As you explore, there’s also an engaging loot system to prepare you for space’s most dangerous encounters.

One player has seemingly found something rare and hardly useful in any situation.

Starfield player finds a knife with an extended magazine attachment

Redditor postpwnmalone shared a screenshot showing off a dagger. Of course, it had to have a unique spin on it, with this knife having an extended magazine attachment on it.

The extended mag attachment is incredibly useful on weapons with an ammo capacity, reducing the amount of times players would need to reload. But having the attachment on a knife seems not only useless, but sort of baffling.

Postpwnmalone doesn’t share exactly how they found said knife, but this screenshot alone was enough to open the conversation for other players to share their wild finds.

“My first legendary was a ‘hand-loaded’ rescue axe,” mentions one user.

Another player says “I think that beats my extended mag Coachman. A double barrel shotgun whit 4 rounds.”

While this isn’t the first time a player has found one of these strange mashups, postpwnmalone can at least take pride in the fact their knife has a way better return on investment should they choose to sell it.

Fair warning, the extended mag does not let you stab more than once in one go.

About The Author

John graduated with a degree in Sport Management in 2017, before discovering he had a hidden joy for writing. Since then, he's worked for GameRant, Twinfinite, and Jaxon, covering everything related to gaming. Currently, he's a Games Writer for Dexerto, and all tips and tricks welcome: