Jake Gyllenhaal could have been Batman – and Leonardo DiCaprio was almost the Riddler

Lucy-Jo Finnighan
jake ghyllenhall chirstian bale batman

Many actors have played Batman and his roster of villains, but turns out that Jake Gyllenhaal and Leonardo DiCaprio could have gotten the roles.

Despite not having any superpowers – unless you count being a billionaire – Batman has managed to remain one of the most iconic DC heroes out there, if not the most.

Because of his popularity amongst superhero fans, Batman has managed to have multiple live-action cinematic iterations. The torch has been passed to and from the hands of many a notable actor, including Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale, Ben Affleck, and most recently Robert Pattinson.

Well, turns out that another actor could have played him: Jake Gyllenhaal. Not only that, Leonardo DiCaprio could have played the Riddler.

Nolan’s Batman trilogy could have starred Jake Gyllenhaal

David S. Goyer, co-architect of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, was originally recruited to help co-write 2005’s Batman Begins, before the other two movies were penned based on stories cracked by Goyer.

And in a recent interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Goyer confirmed reports that he had advocated for a certain actor cast as Batman over Christian Bale, that being Jake Gyllenhaal. “I mean, Gyllenhaal’s amazing, Christian Bale’s amazing, so who knows what,” he stated.

He admitted that he had “advocated for Gyllenhaal” after a number of people screen-tested for the part. And when asked if there was any footage of Gyllenhaal auditioning in the Batman costume, the writer said, “I believe there is, yes.”

Goyer also reminisced about a potential Riddler comeback, after Jim Carey’s depiction in 1995’s Batman Forever. Not only that, studio heads wanted Leonardo DiCaprio to play him: “After The Dark Knight, the head of Warner Bros. at the premiere said, ‘You got to do the Riddler. Leo as the Riddler. You got to tell Chris, Leo as the Riddler.’ And that’s not the way we work.”

There will be no fourth Nolan Batman movie

When asked if there will be another Batman movie by Nolan, Goyer responded “I don’t think that’s ever going to happen. And I wouldn’t want to do another Batman project either.”

Though if they ever were to make another, it seems like Christian Bale would be up for returning to the role – meaning Gyllenhaal won’t ever have a shot. In an interview with ScreenRant, the actor explained, “I had a pact with Chris Nolan. We said, ‘Hey, look. Let’s make three films, if we’re lucky enough to get to do that. And then let’s walk away. Let’s not linger too long.’ In my mind, it would be something if Chris Nolan ever said to himself, ‘You know what, I’ve got another story to tell.’ And if he wished to tell that story with me, I’d be in.”

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