Marvel fans shocked to learn Hugh Jackman isn’t the only live-action Wolverine

Brianna Reeves
wolverine live-action

Amidst the Deadpool & Wolverine hype, Marvel fans have been reminded that Hugh Jackman isn’t the only actor to play Logan in live-action.

For nearly a quarter of a century, actor Hugh Jackman has been the face of Wolverine on the big screen. He’s set to don the claws once again after a seven-year hiatus when Deadpool & Wolverine lands this summer.

But some Marvel fans either forgot or were unaware that another actor has played Logan in live-action, as well. Responses to one viral social media post feature many expressing surprise at the identity of the actor in question.

As Twitter user CathodeCaster pointed out in a viral tweet, Australian YouTuber and pop star Troye Sivan portrayed a young Logan in 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

“That Troye Sivan is the only other actor to have played Wolverine in live-action is so f***ing funny to me,” the user wrote.

Thus far, the tweet has amassed well over five million views and 35,000 likes. One person in the replies noted the live-action Wolverine performance was Troye Sivan’s first acting gig.

Others voiced their surprise at the realization. The comments are filled with several variations of “That was Troye?!” and “Wait the singer??? That was Troye Sivan?? Ain’t no way.”

“And I’ve learned something new today,” reads a comment from another shocked user.

A case can also be made that Dafne Keene’s Laura/X-23 character in Logan counts as another live-action Wolverine. For Logan specifically, though, it is interesting that both of his live-action portrayals have been from Australian actors.