How big is Valorant? PC file size

Sourav Banik
an image of Jett and Valorant logo

If you’re wondering how big the PC file size is for Valorant both while downloading and post-installation, here’s everything you need to know.

Valorant was released in 2020 and almost four years after its release the playercount is pretty much on the stronger side. As the game shows no signs of slowing down any time soon, its esports scene and general competitive nature attract a huge number of players all year round.

Since its release, Valorant has expanded in leaps and bounds across every major aspect through new Agents, maps, skins, game modes like Premier and TDM, reworks, and a lot more. Naturally, the file size in 2024 differs from what it used to be at launch.

With that said, here’s what the current file size of Valorant looks like on PC.

an image of some Agents from Valorant

Valorant file size on PC (2024)

At the time of writing, the download size of Valorant is 31.3 GB and after complete installation, it may go up to 43 GB in total. So, make sure you have at least 50 GB of storage on your SSD to play the game without running into any issues.

Referring to all the content that Valorant offers, its storage space requirement on PC is relatively smaller, compared to other competitive first-person shooters in the market like Call of Duty or Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege.

For more about Valorant, be sure to check our other guides below:

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