Riot confirms annoying Skye flash bug fixed in latest Valorant patch

Andrew Amos
Skye using Valorant ultimate

Skye mains have been calling on Riot to fix an audio cue bug with her Guiding Light flash which has been deceiving players. The developers have confirmed the annoying bug was fixed in Valorant patch 5.06 despite missing the patch notes.

Skye’s flash, Guiding Light, is a key part of the initiator’s kit in Valorant. The Aussie can throw a hawk out, bend it around corners, and flash enemies.

It’s also great for intel gathering as it has a sound cue when it blinds an enemy. However, that sound cue had been bugged for a few weeks, making it unreliable and distracting at times. What would happen is the pop noise would occur twice without the hawk squealing.

While there are other ways of figuring out if enemies are flashed without wide swinging an angle, it could still trip up even the most seasoned Skye player. 

Mains patiently waited for a fix, but Valorant patch 5.06 went around without any word on it. Players were getting restless looking at another two weeks without a fix for their favorite Agent, but Riot has confirmed the Skye audio bug was actually fixed and wasn’t in the patch notes.

Skye’s Guiding Light has been fixed as of Valorant patch 5.06 despite no mention in the notes.

“This bug should actually be fixed in [Valorant patch] 5.06, but was just not added to the patch notes,” developer ‘TheAeroplane13’ told players on Reddit. “Sorry for the confusion, and let us know if you notice any instances of the issue not being resolved.”

For now, Skye’s flash should notify players as intended when an enemy is blinded, and you can have full confidence in your utility again.