My Hero Academia fans no longer want controversial characters to die

Anthony McGlynn
Deku in My Hero Academia

My Hero Academia has been going long enough now that we’re starting to see some longer storylines pay off, and fans have started coming around on the notion of two questionable characters managing to survive the whole narrative.

In My Hero Academia, the Todoroki family takes the cake for being complicated. Besides the tension behind Shoto feeling like a disappointment compared to his top-rated superhero father Endeavor, we find out Dabi is one of his siblings.

Yes, one of the main antagonists of the whole anime show comes from a beloved heroic legacy. Imagine the tension at that dinner table! We’re now in the Final Act Saga, so the conclusion is imminent, and there’s some degree of rehabilitation going on within the audience, in a roundabout sort of way.

“I really hope we find a way to keep Dabi in an alive and functional state,” one fans stated on Reddit. “I imagine the ending for the Todoroki family would be Enji getting that house to live on his own and regularly visiting Dabi in prison alone and with the family.”

This is in response to a post where it’s posited that Dabi and Endeavor dying would be letting them “off easy”. Death would be too clean for the complex feelings they’ve cultivated. Right now, Dabi is suffering from hellacious burns due to using his Blueflame Quirk to an intense degree, and Endeavor is likewise harmed.

They have a small reconciliation of sorts, as Endeavor invites Dabi to tell him everything about how he feels. The scene was pulled on some heartstrings, even if Dabi living would be a bit convenient.

“Dabi surviving all that was bullshit,” another fan comments. “But I’ve 100% warmed up to both not dying all together. It was the better finale for the Todoroki drama.”

There are fates worse than death, and living in prison amid agonizing scars is probably one of them. We’ll have to see how it all settles. If you want family matters of a different stripe, check out our guide to Demon Slayer Season 4.