One Piece fan is training like Zoro – but people are worried

Tristan Stringer

Getting exercise to get stronger is a great goal when you’re being safe. Replicating Zoro’s training from One Piece, on the other hand, may bring more than just workout questions to your gym sessions.

One Piece, and anime in general, house a lot of outlandish training methods so their characters can pull off their amazing feats of strength. These are fictional animated series where the creator leans on the most impressive-looking and impactful ways characters can get stronger over down-to-earth training. This school of thought alone should discourage fans from recreating what they see.

Our favorite anime swordsman, Zoro, puts in the work for his dream to become the world’s greatest swordsman, often in the background of scenes doing some larger-than-life gag-based exercise that no one in real life could come close to performing.

By that logic, you shouldn’t even try to start working out like him, right? Well, one fan may be taking Zoro’s inspiration too far.

One Piece fan’s Zoro-based training methods pulls in concern

Reddit user FitQuit1977 has shared his workout session, including unsafe lifting techniques heavily inspired by the three sword-wielding swordsman Zoro from One Piece to much concern from onlookers. Maybe One Piece needs to come with a “do not try this at home” warning.

While they’re not the massive anime-logic-sized weights Zoro swings around to increase his strength, One Piece fans still call out the impractical and dangerous methods this person uses to work out. In the comments, a personal trainer shows their concern, going into great detail about what’s wrong with this picture and letting them down easily without discouraging someone from exercising.

“Hey buddy, Personal Trainer here with 16 years experience.

“I wanna encourage you to keep working out and using Zoro’s training as an inspiration. However, a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Oda isn’t drawing based on exercise science/ what’s legitimately effective, but on what looks cool.
  2. Even should his initial drawings be ok, the movements done in the anime may not be.
  3. Even should the movements be correct from both sources, it doesn’t make it the best plan/most effective work.”

They go into further detail, mentioning specific lifting methods, inspirations for more alternative workouts, and encouraging more realistic goals. While Zoro is very inspirational on his journey to become the world’s greatest swordsman, fans must remember that this an anime and style and “cool” factors come first over realism.

More One Piece fans gave their two cents that the wrong workout methods can lead to injury, especially if you’re swinging heavy weights around your living room, holding them loosely above your head and arms where they can fall and damage, well, everything on the way down.

“Don’t wanna be that guy because well done for finding the motivation to work out and better yourself, but you should definitely lower the weights you’re using, more don’t mean better if it means risking injuries, your body movements are way too unstable for that amount of weight, be careful bro,” said one commenter.

Others continued saying “Slipped disk incoming” and “Risking injury is not worth the anime clout,” but we can only hope this well-meaning fan figures out their best safe method for exercising least managed to catch this one before severe damage was done; even if it came 73 days late.