Apex Legends players discover Horizon’s new skin has a “pay-to-lose” visual bug

Brianna Reeves
apex legends horizon bug

A recurring Apex Legends visual bug has returned following the launch of the latest season and it’s affecting Horizon’s new skin.

Like the vast majority of popular online games, Apex Legends isn’t without its fair share of glitches and technical woes. One bug, in particular, has reared its head a few too many times, though.

The bug in question pops up when players aim down the sights, making it appear as though the character’s arm is blocking the view.

And, according to fans, the error only occurs when new skins enter the mix. Unfortunately, Horizon’s Dressed to Kill skin seems to be the bug’s latest target.

Apex Legends fans spot weird bug impacting Horizon’s new skin

Reddit user eat_Mini_Wheats recently spotted the aforementioned visual bug while playing with Horizon’s new skin attached.

The Redditor shared their findings in a short gameplay clip, which shows the screen becoming slightly obscured whenever Horizon aims her weapon.

In response to the post linked below, another user noted, “Somehow this exact bug happens with exactly 1 new skin every single event and it’s always only with the Prowler while using a 1x scope. This has been happening all the time since like season 7…”

Players are understandably frustrated by the bug’s recurring appearances. One person called it one of Apex Legends’ “pay-to-lose classics.”

“I’m still convinced they never play test anything,” someone else chimed in, to which others responded with a reminder that EA laid off 200 QA testers earlier this year.

Notably, this move only affected the publisher’s Baton Rouge-based office. EA bosses maintain the decision stemmed from a desire to expand “the distribution of [its] Apex Legends testing team” on a global scale.

This supposedly allows the company to increase the hours per week that it invests in testing and optimizing live-service games. Some things keep slipping through the cracks, though.