Apex Legends lack of communication called out in viral TikTok: “They lied to all of us”

Joe Craven
Vantage from Apex Legends next to logo

A viral Apex Legends TikTok has hit out at Respawn for their lack of communication over the battle royale, as issues following the launch of the Spellbound Collection Event continue.

The Apex Legends Spellbound Collection Event dropped in-game on January 10. While it brought a lot of anticipated content – notably Seer’s Heirloom and Private Matches – it has caused a number of issues in the battle royale.

From widespread server outages to the disappearance of features like third-person mode in the Firing Range, players have been frustrated by the plethora of issues it has created.

Now, a TikTok from @stereoomike has gone viral, hitting out at the devs for their lack of communication.

Viral TikTok blasts Respawn for Apex Legends communication

Among other things, it details times the author has “felt Respawn have been less than transparent”.

It lists a number of recent events in the Apex Legends community, including the Catalyst release trailer, which the creator claims made out that the Season 15 legend was to be a hard Seer counter.

They also question the omission of details from patch notes – like the Spellbound Event’s secret Horizon nerf – asking: “What are patch notes for if the biggest updates aren’t in them… I do not understand in my brain why this information is not in the patch notes. The only logical conclusion I can come up with is that it was not included because they think that the hype would have been ruined for Seer’s heirloom.”

He finished: “As unfortunate as it is, these are not the decisions of a developer confident in the lifespan of their product. Respawn, your game is good, f**king act like it.”

At the time of writing, the TikTok has accumulated over 16,000 likes and over 100,000 views.

It was echoed by other community members, with one player taking to Reddit to criticize Respawn’s “radio silence” over the Spellbound Collection Event’s issues.

Despite the love for Apex Legends, there’s clearly a section of its player base who think recent issues could have been handled better on the developers’ end.