Apex Legends players divided over arrival of stickers in Season 15

Alec Mullins
Apex Legends characters in a standoff.

Apex Legends is adding a new type of collectible in Season 15, stickers, which will allow players to customize their healing items and bring some more personality to their gameplay. However, the fanbase is split over whether it’s a good idea or not.

From holosprays to trackers, there are already tons of ways to inject some personalized style into the Apex Legends experience. That level of customization is only getting deeper in Season 15 when stickers make their way into the game.

Just like they sound, stickers are a cosmetic item that can be applied to Syringes, Shield Cells, Batteries, Phoenix Kits, and Med Kits to give them their own distinct look. Each item can have a unique design slapped on but that’s not a good thing according to some fans.

Apex Legends fans debate addition of stickers in Season 15

The case being made against the stickers is that they’re going to be another thing that clogs up the reward pool.

Several players have made the plea that scoring any type of rare item out of an Apex Pack is already difficult enough and that another basic cosmetic is only going to make it worse.

“I’ll probably never spend actual money on Apex packs again depending on how many stickers enter the loot pool. They’re not terrible but they give me the same vibes as watered-down drinks,” one commenter on Reddit said.

Others vouched for this line of thinking with comments like “R.I.P loot pool” and suggesting that EA is “stealing money” with each new addition.

Of course, it’s not all negative. There are some people who are genuinely excited about a new way to customize their experience. One excited fan called for the immediate addition of a Nessie sticker pack, while others suggested a wealth of different Legend-specific items.

There’s no way to know exactly how much the loot pool will be affected by these changes until things go live at the start of next season, but it’s certainly something that Respawn will have to keep an eye on.