Apex Legends players have a hot take on how Horizon’s tactical should be used

Rory Teale
Horizon Apex Legends

Apex Legends players still use the Horizon “lift” ability mid-gun fight – but some people are beginning to think that isn’t the right way to use the ability.

Scottish Astrophysicist “Horizon” is now over three years old. The skirmisher legends has remained a mainstay in many Apex Legends players arsenal, in both casual and competitive play.

Apex Legends were drawn to Horizon for her Black Hole ultimate ability, and her movement-oriented passive. However, the primary focus for players was her lift ability.

In the hands of both professional players and casual, lift allows Horizon to take gun-fights at her own pace. She has the capability to get new angles on enemy teams by rising to the skies – or to disengage and heal.

This ability has been nerfed and buffed during Apex’s tenure as a top battle royale. But some players aren’t convinced developers and players have taken a close enough look at the abilities usage.

Apex Legends community support change in Horizon usage

In a popular Reddit post one Apex Legends player complains that lift is being used outside of its intentions of “to give her team movement and push roofs effectively.”

Horizon’s Lift can be used to strafe while rising upwards which allows cunning players to heal, but players don’t think it’s ok for a legend to “escape + [use a] free battery in an open field.”

Apex Legends players drew comparisons to Wraith’s tactical ability “Into the void”, which gives Wraith an opportunity to escape sticky situations and disengage. But players complained that Horizon has “a more effective fight reset than Wraith’s tactical.”

Horizon became a staple in Apex Legends gameplay, but player have now become sick of her dominance in the battle royale game. One player surmised some of the communities frustrations – “[she has] the most overpowered and crutch ability in the game.”

The new addition Revenant Reborn also drew players’ attention for his new abilities. His new ultimate has both casual players and pros intrigued.