Apex Legends players want more characters to be “reborn” like Revenant

Shay Robson
revenant reborn Apex Legends

Apex Legends players are calling on the Respawn devs for more Legends to be “reborn” similar to Revenant’s rework in Season 18.

Since Apex Legend‘s release in 2019, players have always anticipated a new Legend to be released with each season, giving a breath of fresh air to the popular battle royale. However, with Season 18’s release in August, the Respawn developers took a different approach.

Instead of a new addition to the game, the devs instead went back and took a look at a neglected Legend. Considered by the community to be ‘unplayable’, with popularity and pick rate plummeting season over season, Season 18 saw a rework to the “synthetic nightmare” Revenant.

It’s fair to say the rework was a clear success, as Revenant ‘Reborn’ now sits above most other Legends when it comes to pick rate. Now players are calling for more Legends to be reworked.

Apex Legends players call for more Legends to be reworked

Revenant reborn in Apex Legends
Revenant Reborn was introduced in Season 18.

In a September 29 Reddit thread, one Apex Legends fan put out a question to the community, asking if they think more Legends should be ‘reborn’ in the future.

“Recently I have been playing a lot with Revenant Reborn, I had never really enjoyed playing Rev before they reworked his character and it’s got me wondering, which character who the community has decided is ‘unplayable’ should be reworked next?” the player wrote.

They added: “I was a lifeline main for the first year or two of the games release and personally I think a rework for her would be welcomed!”

In the replies, the majority of the community were open to the idea. However, many explained they’d want see smaller changes rather than a full rework.

“I don’t know if they all need a full reborn but I would like to see at least soft reworks to Ash, Vantage and Lifeline,” they said. “Lifeline and Crypto. Those two are at the top of my list,” another wrote.

“I don’t think completely reworking legends is always the answer. With a complete rework you might as well just release a new Legend,” a third added.

With Season 19 on the horizon, there’s the possibility that we may see more Legends be ‘Reborn’ after Revenant’s success.