Apex Legends pro Snip3down creates new “support” character to counter Seer

Alex Garton
Snip3down Seer Counter Apex

Apex Legends pro Eric ‘Snip3down’ Wrona has proposed that Respawn should add a support character in Season 11 to counter Seer, and he’s even explained what abilities the Legend should have.

Season 10 of Apex Legends has finally arrived and Respawn certainly hasn’t held back on the exciting additions to the game.

Although players are enjoying the lethal damage of the Rampage LMG and the huge set of changes to the World’s Edge map, it’s the brand new Legend that’s been getting most of the attention.

While Seer’s kit and abilities are incredibly fun to use, a lot of the community think the Ambush Master is a little overpowered in his current state.

Well, Apex pro player Snip3down believes he’s come up with the solution and it involves adding a brand new support Legend in Season 11.

Apex Legends Seer
Seer is a Recon Legend and can track enemies with ease.

Snip3down designs Season 11 Legend to counter Seer

While Snip3down has labeled Seer as overpowered and broken, he took to Twitter on August 6 with a solution that he thinks Respawn should implement in Season 11.

According to him, as there are no counters to the Ambush Master in the game at the moment, a brand new support character that’s capable of blocking stuns, scans, and slows would be a great addition to the game.

As the character’s Tactical ability would be an AOE prevention of scans, it would thwart Bloodhound and Seer’s ability to locate the exact position of a team in every scenario.

This would certainly shake up the meta, and potentially force Recon Legends to play more cautiously, as they wouldn’t always have all the available information.

Apex is certainly lacking in Support Legends, with Loba and Lifeline being the only two on the roster. It’s possible Respawn use Season 11 to expand the support pool and put a stop to the Recon characters taking over the meta.

However, although Snip3down’s design is great in theory, the devs have to be careful about adding a Legend that hard counters so many abilities that are already in the game.

We’ll have to wait and see if Respawn takes any inspiration from Snip3down’s tweet and adds a support character in Season 11 that can put a stop to the scans and heartbeat sensors taking over the Apex Games.