Apex Legends on ultrawide monitors apparently creates ‘pay-to-win wall hack’ bug

Alan Bernal
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An Apex Legends player found a bug with the aspect ratio on an ultrawide monitor that lets people see through objects, and it’s being likened to ‘pay-to-win’ wall hacks.

While Apex has had a rough history with glitches and the sort, this one might be one of the more niche problems to be seen in the game. Generally, ultrawide monitors fetch a pretty nickel compared to a similarly spec’d screen of normal proportions.

A video by Reddit user ‘Ricashea3’ showed how having the aspect ratio fit ultrawide settings can glitch the corners of the screen to peek through solid objects.

There was a discrepancy with the aspect ratio, and it’s believed that this kind of bug is persistent on 32:9 settings and one some TVs, rather than 21:9 ratio.

This bug has been something that some Apex players have seen happen for a couple of seasons at this point, with some people asking Respawn for a fix.

“Pay to win lmao but I just hope the devs can patch this pretty quickly,” Ricashea3 said. Others report the same kind of bug, but not with the ability to see opponents’ player model.

In the clip, you can see Wraith moving and taking damage from the other side of the boulder in the Firing Range.

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With ultrawide aspect ratios, Apex Legends players can prey on opponents with the walling bug.

Since it has to do with aspect ratio, this can reportedly be replicated on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, depending on your screen of choice.

This will likely get the attention of the Respawn devs, and it’ll be interesting to see if a fix for a visual bug like this will be quick to implement.