Underused Apex Legends are actually perfect Catalyst counters in Season 15

Connor Bennett
Catalyst looking dispondent in Apex Legends

Looking for a way to counter Catalyst in Apex Legends? Well, there are a few under-the-radar legends that do a fairly decent job of that. 

With the start of Apex Legends Season 15: Eclipse, Respawn Entertainment have introduced the battle royale’s newest legend in the form of Catalyst

It shouldn’t be a shock, but the Defensive Conjurer has quickly shot to the top of the pick rate charts as players have tried to get used to her. Some have found her to be a little overpowered already, while others believe she’s going to fall firmly in the middle of the pack. 

Her arrival has also brought about some mechanics to Apex. Catalyst’s ferrofluid can barricade doors and set spike traps, things the game hasn’t seen before with this strength. Though, they can be countered. 

Crypto counters Catalyst perfectly in Apex Legends

That’s right, if you’re tired of a Catalyst running inside a building, using her Barricade passive, and getting a heal off, then you’re in luck. 

You can actually use Crypto to completely counter that Barricade ability. Why? Well, his drone’s ability to unlock hacked doors works on the ferrofluid too. And, it’s not a bug, it’s an intentional game design from Respawn themselves, so it’s not going to get patched. 

Some players have also found that Rampart’s Shiela mini-gun and Fuse’s knuckle cluster grenade can also render the Barricade useless, but they may not work as instantly as Crypto’s master key. 

While they are intention counter from Respawn, many players may not know about them because they don’t use the characters. 

As of the last pick rate checks, Crypto was used by 1.2% of players, Rampart only 1.5%, and Fuse only 3.2% as well. So, if you’ve got them unlocked, it might be worth giving them a whirl again to get rid of your Catalyst headaches.