Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers ominous item in base camp

Theo Burman
Baldur's Gate 3 Camp

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have spotted a suspicious item in one of the camps that you can rest at in between your quests.

The camp in Baldur’s Gate 3 is meant to be a place of respite for you and your party. Unless you’re playing a Durge character, these moments away from the main map are a chance for you to rest up, speak to your companions, and restore any resources you’ve spent.

It’s not always the safest place in the world, and sometimes the occasional demon or devil might show up there, but in general, the campsite is a place for chilling out and celebrating your latest victory.

This is why one item, spotted by players exploring the Act 1 overground camp, is raising some eyebrows in the community, because it looks like our party seems to be plotting an invasion of the Sword Coast.

Baldur’s Gate 3 campsite contains concerning plans for invasion

In a post on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, one player showed a picture of a map on a table, labeled “Invasion plans for the Sword Coast.”

The player asked: “Why are these in camp? What are we planning?”

One player suggested it might be a prank from the developers, saying: “Larian must have a thing for invasion plans and maps that really don’t add anything to the game, because there’s almost as many of these as there are rotten baskets.”

Other players joked that the plans would be in character for a Dark Urge playthrough, as they’d no doubt love to plan a full-scale invasion.

For more news and updates on Baldur’s Gate 3, check out the stealth mechanics that players are only now just discovering.