Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds hilarious way to replace Gale

Noelle Corbett
A closeup of Gale from Baldur's Gate 3 looking sad

After Gale left their party, a Baldur’s Gate 3 player found a creative way to replace him using one of the game’s hirelings.

Baldur’s Gate 3 gives players some great companions to travel the Sword Coast with, but not all of them are guaranteed to stick with you for the entire game.

Some decisions – such as making evil choices, failing certain skill checks, or general mistreatment – can cause companions to leave the party. This can lead to some gaps in your roster if, say your main magic user decides to split.

One player found a hilarious and creative way to fill the void after Gale left their party, and the solution is delighting other fans.

Baldur’s Gate 3 player replaces Gale with customized hireling

Reddit user Sludgeycore shared how they handled the loss in a post titled “Gale left my party, but we’ve adapted.”

The image features a gnome who has been given Gale’s hairstyle, plus similar features and clothing. Perhaps most amusing is the little guy’s name: New Gale.

As for how this was pulled off, players are able to recruit Hirelings by talking to Withers. These are premade characters – one for each class – that you can pay to have join your party.

Plus, Hotfix 9 added the ability to use the Magic Mirror on hirelings. While you can’t change their race or gender, you can change just about everything else, allowing this player to turn the rock gnome wizard Sir Fuzzalump into New Gale.

New Gale has delighted other Baldur’s Gate 3 players, with many comparing him to memes.

byu/Sludgeycore from discussion
byu/Sludgeycore from discussion
byu/Sludgeycore from discussion

While hirelings are, by design, never going to live up to the real thing in terms of personality and story content, it’s good to see they really come in handy in a pinch. New Gale will certainly be a great asset to this party, even if he looks like bargain brand Gale.

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