Baldur’s Gate 3 players bewildered by companion’s massive appetite

Abigail Shannon
Baldur's Gate Halsin bear form

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are struggling to suspend their disbelief about how much blood Astarion can supposedly consume.

There are some very specific urges that come with being a vampire. So, Astarion spends a portion of your Baldur’s Gate 3 journey managing those needs. Your undead companion even gains a buff after feeding, encouraging you to allow him some sweet sanguine indulgence every now and then.

While Astarion can feast on enemies or even his own party members, he defaults to hunting wild animals to satiate his hunger. Although he’s not particularly strong (with a very modest STR stat of 8), it’s not difficult to imagine him wrestling a bear when the need strikes him.

Though as players have pointed out on Reddit, it takes much more of a leap to believe he’d not only take down a bear but also entirely drain it of its blood.

Baldur’s Gate 3’s Astarion stuns fans with his mighty thirst

Baldur's Gate astarion
Turns out Astarion is one hungry, hungry High Elf.

The thread was prompted by a portion of dialogue in Baldur’s Gate 3 where Astarion appears intoxicated after drinking “all” of the blood from a bear. Despite his supernatural status, the scene has left some players legitimately confused as to how he could guzzle down that much blood.

A selection of fans suggested that there could be some embellishment at play from the Rogue; perhaps he’s bigging up his hunting achievements to woo Tav. “Sounds like he’s trying to impress you. Reminds me of the fishermen who swear the fish they caught was thiiis big”, one Redditor commented.

Some theorized that he doesn’t actually imbibe all of his meal in one go but instead collects it from the victim, before bringing it back to camp to enjoy later. This inspired some amusing ideas of how Astarion would manage his doggy bags of animal blood: “I’m now picturing him coming back to camp with cheeks full of blood like a hamster storing nuts”.

But perhaps Astarion really is ravenous enough to go through an entire adult-sized bear like a juice box. Watch out, Halsin.