Baldur’s Gate 3 players discover unlikely candidate for funniest companion

Theo Burman
Baldur's Gate 3 Sex% Minthara

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community might have finally settled on the funniest companion in the game, and somehow, their name doesn’t rhyme with “Bastarion”.

Turns out there’s more to comedy than being a sassy vampire. Who knew? While Astarion might have captured the attention and hearts of the vast majority of the Baldur’s Gate 3 playerbase, that love (and lust) doesn’t always convert into comedy gold.

Depending on who you ask, Gale’s verbose speeches and dry observations might be the thing that tickles your funny bone, or Lae’zel’s… unique approach to diplomacy and negotiation. However, it’s the Drow paladin herself who’s emerged as a dark horse for this category, because Minthara can be a great source of comedy for those who listen to her.

The unlikely comedy of Minthara

The writing for all of the companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 is stellar, as acknowledged by its sweep at The Game Awards, but there’s something about Minthara’s matter-of-fact delivery that hits different.

Her current resurgence in popularity was prompted by several subreddit threads about some of her voicelines, performed by the incredible Emma Gregory, one of which plays when she passes a perception check on a trap.

The voiceline reads: “A trap. Let us send forth our least favourite, to be sure.

Many players quickly concluded that she likely means Gale, who she has little to say about in her dialogue with Tav. Wizards simply blow up too easily, so they may as well be used to test for traps.