Baldur’s Gate 3 players “embarrassed” they only just discovered simple gameplay features

Abigail Shannon
Baldur's Gate 3 Minthara

Even with 100s of hours of gameplay under their belts, Baldur’s Gate 3 players are finding glaring gaps in their game knowledge.

With its richly involved gameplay, Baldur’s Gate 3 goes a long way to replicating the depth and replayability of Dungeons and Dragons. However, unlike in the beloved TTRPG, you don’t have a Player’s Handbook or a know-it-all Dungeon Master to set you on the right track. So, it’s to be expected that certain game features could float under your radar. 

As a result, players took to the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit to share some of their most facepalm-inducing examples of missing out on obvious gameplay systems. From simple quality-of-life features to combat tips that can turn the tide of battle, there are plenty of valuable chunks of game knowledge that players have missed out on. Of course, there’s no shame in admitting if this is your first time discovering them too.

Beginning the thread, u/ThatsJustPeachyKeen admitted that after 200 hours of playtime, they had just figured out they could cancel concentration spells while outside of combat. They chalk this late discovery up to getting “distracted by Gale’s boots”. Which is a reasonable excuse, to be fair.

Another user shared the particularly painful realisation that they didn’t have to trudge to a waypoint to fast travel, and in fact, they had the convenience of being able to fast travel from everywhere the whole time. This was after more than 100 hours of gameplay. Yikes.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players share the gameplay systems they came across “embarrassingly late”

Still, there are plenty of more obscure tips that will come as news even to veterans of the series. One Redditor shared a clever way they found to buff their party’s weapons until your next long rest: by throwing a vial of toxin and then dipping the weapons in the puddle. Even a player who was 590 hours and six playthroughs in cited this as “brand new information” for them.

Other headaches for players included figuring out how to hide helmets to make their companions less “uggo” (harsh), finding out how to quickly group and ungroup unruly party members, and discovering how to sell their unwanted junk en masse.

One user even shared their plight of playing the entirety of Act 1 without taking a single rest; which not only made combat unbelievably punishing but locked them out of plenty of content. But hey, every day you learn something new.