Baldur’s Gate 3 players regret not using the game’s most “awesome” ability

Shane Black
Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart looking concerned

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have realized that there was a very useful ability that they completely forgot to use before beating the game.

There are a lot of things to remember in Baldur’s Gate 3, whether it be the characters and story that attracted so many to the game, or a piece of equipment, an item found on the player’s long and arduous journey.

This can include abilities as well, as some players just simply forget to use them when the situation arises.

Such is the case with one powerful ability of Shadowheart’s that the Baldur’s Gate 3 community is now realizing they never used.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players never used a powerful ability

A post was recently made on the Baldur’s Gate 3 subreddit, entitled: “Who else completely forgot to use Shadowheart’s…”

The post explains how they never used the Divine Intervention of Shadowheart’s, which calls in a god-like being to assist in a battle.

“Was planning it all out in my head, calling in all my reinforcements, imagining this awesome angelic divine intervention warrior angel smiting everything or something.”

Unfortunately, that never happened and they finished the game without it.

Looks like the rest of the community has experienced a similar situation, as many users share their own stories:

“One of these days I’m gonna start a run with only using consumables, just to see if I can manage to train myself to use the damn things.”

Divine Intervention is not the only thing that Baldur’s Gate 3 players have forgotten about either, as one fan describes that they also forgot to use the Runepowder Bomb for three consecutive playthroughs.

It is all the common mistake that RPG players make: keep an item because it’ll be useful later on, but then never end up using it.

The thought process is perfectly summed up by one user: “‘I’m sure I’ll need this eventually.'”

An unfortunate mistake, but one that at least doesn’t seem to have prevented anyone from actually finishing the game.