Baldur’s Gate 3 players report save wiping bug on Xbox Series X/S

Theo Burman
Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 5 early patch notes

Baldur’s Gate 3 players have discovered a bug on the Xbox Series X/S version of the game that wipes save files, making players lose hours of progress.

The Baldur’s Gate 3 community is warning players on console to pause their playthroughs on Xbox after several people reported that their save files had been wiped from the device.

Xbox was the most recent platform for the game to launch on, arriving to the console on the 8th December 2023. This bug has not been reported on any other platforms.

Larian Studios responded to the reports by providing a stability fix update for Xbox users, saying that they were “aware of the issue of saves disappearing after a crash.”

They advised players that “an update is available from Xbox to help with some of these issues, please manually update your Xbox through the system menu.”

Baldur’s Gate 3 players warn of save file bug on Xbox version

Baldur’s Gate 3 forums saw a large increase in reports of missing save files, many of which showed that players had lost significant progress in the game.

One player on the Baldur’s Gate subreddit said: “You might want to put your playthrough on hold until they fix this bug. A few days ago I got wiped at about 12 hours and could only find a few other people online with the same issue so I figured it was either an issue on my end somehow or a VERY rare bug.

“As time passed significantly more people are reporting save wipes and missing saves as well as every single one of my friends losing their saves as well.”

Another player said: “Went to continue by playthrough and most of my saves are gone. It only shows I have 2 save files when I had more… I’ve lost about 5 hours of progress.”

Larian Studios have been quick to respond to these kinds of issues in the past, and have said they are working on fixes now.

For more news and updates on Baldur’s Gate 3, check out the feud between Spider-Man 2 fans and Baldur’s Gate 3 players over the Game Awards results.