Baldur’s Gate 3 players stunned as fan unknowingly ignores every companion

Jessica Filby
Baldur's Gate 3 camp at night

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are shocked after seeing one player exploring the game without talking to anyone and unknowingly ignoring all companions.

Just like Dungeons & Dragons, Baldur’s Gate 3’s most popular quality is its versatility. Whether you want to just take down every character in the game, romance a certain companion, or go about a quest in a clever way, the game will let you.

This leads to some fantastic techniques, discoveries, and broken spells, but can also lead to players missing out on a few features. Usually, that’s because they take down Minthara without realizing or let Jaheira fall meaning Minsc is off limits – but in this case, it’s led to one player missing out on practically everything.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players shocked as fan plays game without talking to anyone

A Wild Magic player stands in front of an enormous tentacle in Baldur's Gate 3

Sharing their discovery on Reddit, one user revealed the interesting choices their brother-in-law made when diving into the game: “My brother-in-law is playing Baldur’s Gate 3 and really enjoying it, so of course I start asking him about the choices he’s made and the companions.”

After asking their brother-in-law, they found out “that he’s in Act 3 and his only companions are Shadowheart, Astarion, and Jaheira.”

“Is he doing an evil run? No! The guy just doesn’t talk to anybody” revealed the poster, going on to explain how the player ended up missing Karlach and Gale entirely, watched Shadowheart kill Lae’zel, ignored Halsin, and completely missed Wyll.

The poster went on to reveal: “What also cracks me up about this is that this is also exactly how he plays D&D. No roleplay, only hacking and slashing. He’s also shocked that I’m not using the illithid powers for role-play reasons.” Naturally, if this is how he plays D&D then it makes sense to see a similar playthrough in BG3.

As expected, the comments were filled with many fans finding the run hilarious, with some claiming, “he’s trying very hard not to be the main character.”

However, others were quick to explain how they’d accidentally done a similar thing in their first playthrough: “I’m not even gonna make fun of him, I did the exact same thing my first playthrough. Didn’t talk to Wyll at the camp, didn’t really explore the first Act area so no Karlach, thought that releasing the Shadow Curse would come later, and so lost Halsin to that.”

If this playthrough reveals two things it’s that players are always finding new ways to explore the game and that Baldur’s Gate 3 is extremely forgiving to players who don’t like talking.