CoD players are so tired of cheaters they want Warzone 2 to be full price

Sam Comrie
A concept image for Call of Duty Warzone 2.

With rumors of Warzone 2 appearing in the wake of Microsoft’s Activision buyout, Call of Duty fans are suggesting that the battle royale sequel should be a paid title rather than free-to-play. 

Microsoft’s multi-billion-dollar acquisition of Activision could mean incredible things for the Call of Duty franchise, with one prospect landing in the form of a sequel to the incredibly popular CoD: Warzone.

The Raven Software developed battle royale is in vital need of rejuvenation as players are frustrated with its continually buggy state.

To combat cheaters and hopefully enrich the in-game experience, some players are proposing that Warzone 2 should move away from the free-to-play model.

Warzone sliding glitch still frustrating players despite being "fixed"
Warzone players are seeing glitches such as flying cars ruin matches.

Warzone players want to “wipe out” cheaters with a paid sequel

Warzone went against the typical format of CoD games by ditching a price tag, but fans like Redditor 7LyLa feel that Activision needs to reinstate it for Warzone 2: “Warzone 2 needs to cost 60 dollars. This will instantly wipe out the rage cheaters who do it to ruin your experience.”

The Redditor expanded upon their idea adding that cheaters “who are foolish enough to pay and cheat will slowly get reported to overwatch and banned,” in an ideal world.

While adding a paywall onto Warzone 2 isn’t a guarantee against cheaters, the Redditor feels that “free Warzone” is the “worst experience ever.”

The concept of making Warzone 2 a full-price game has led to mixed responses. One commenter said they’d “Honestly $20-40 would probably GREATLY reduce the number of cheaters,” while another thinks that Warzone needs to “be globally accessible, it’s what makes a game so big and the player base so healthy.”

Redditor aj6658 thinks it “won’t happen. They make much more money from F2P model. Think the only way we can hope for is console-only cross play.”

Another commenter argued that Warzone isn’t the only game guilty of cheaters: “Everyone seems to be missing that MW19 and CW had a lot of cheaters like blatant ones.”

If the developers were to sell Warzone 2 at full price, there does come an expected pedigree of quality, especially with the power Activision holds.

For now, Warzone has implemented RICOCHET anti-cheat to aid against troublesome players, but there will always be rogue cheaters on the battlefield.