Conquest Esports Cause Massive Upset in Pool Play by Beating Splyce at CWL Anaheim

Calum Patterson

Conquest Esports, a relatively unknown entity came into pool D after running through the open bracket, and caused a major upset as they beat one of the best European teams, Splyce.

Conquest previously faced off against OpTic Gaming and gave them a run for their money, but were unable to close out the match losing 3-1.

After the loss to OpTic and an earlier loss to Team Envy, they found themselves 0-2 in the pool despite their strong performances, but they took advantage of a Splyce roster on a shaky run of form.

The maps were all close, but KiSMET and GRVTY are both known for their SnD skills, and it showed in the match as they won both, the game five in convincing fashion.

They were up 4-0 in the first SnD before Splyce brought it back to a round 11, but Conquest showed provisional level composure to close it out.

Splyce had taken the map one fairly easily, winning by over 100 points, but Capture the Flag went Conquest’s way before Splyce forced the map five on Ardennes Hardpoint.

Conquest were simply the better team in the game five on USS Texas SnD, closing it out

It moves Conquest to 1-2 in their pool and gives them a chance at the winners bracket, but only if they can take down their final matchup against CompLexity.

Either way, they have proven they are a very formidable team, and will look to go on to manage as high a placing as possible, perhaps even sneak in to top eight for the money.