Dr Disrespect says Warzone 2 devs “lied” over one-shot snipers returning

Connor Bennett
Dr Disrespect next to warzone sniper being pointed upwards

Dr Disrespect has hit out at the Warzone 2 devs, claiming they “lied” about bringing back one-shot snipers because of the catches needed to make a loadout work. 

When Warzone 2 was first announced and revealed to have a number of significant changes compared to the original, many fans were skeptical about things. 

As frustrations have grown with the battle royale, a few of these changes have been rolled back, with some things – like buy stations – going back to the way they used to be. Though, there are others that are still lacking.

One-shot snipers were a hot point of contention for many fans, given that the TTK changes in Warzone 2 made it so they weren’t a thing. However, they have now been brought back in Season 3, but Dr Disrespect isn’t a fan of the catch around them. 

Dr Disrespect claims Warzone 2 devs “lied” over one-shot snipers

To make a one-shot sniper work in Warzone 2, you need to have explosive ammunition as a part of your loadout. While the devs didn’t make that clear in their announcement, the Two-Time believes that shouldn’t be the case. 

“The sniper doesn’t one-shot kill anything!” the Doc said as he debated with TimTheTatman over how good the new update is. As Tim noted that his sniper does eliminate enemies in one shot due to the fact he uses the explosive ammo. 

“I don’t want to f*cking go into my sniper and fine-tune all these different attachments,” Doc added. “So, they lied to us. They lied to us.” 

Timestamp of 21:23


Tim argued that, technically, it’s not a “lie” because you can one-shot, you just need to run the right set-up for the snipers. 

It remains to be seen if this will change moving forward as Doc isn’t the only Warzone player to be let down by the catch.