DrDisrespect reveals his biggest problem with Call of Duty: Warzone

Joe Craven

Twitch powerhouse DrDisrespect has revealed his biggest issue with Call of Duty: Warzone, as Activision’s acclaimed battle royale approaches two months old. 

If there’s one thing revered Twitch streamer DrDisrespect has proven over his years on the world’s largest streaming platform, it’s that he’s never afraid to share his issues with a particular game. 

Despite the praise that has been heaped on Call of Duty’s sophomore battle royale effort, there are a number of areas players want to see adjusted. These include the relative strength of thermal sniper scopes and the volume of footsteps when players have Dead Silence equipped. 

Warzone hit 50 million players within a month of its release.

While the Doc did not specifically call out footstep volume, he had some choice criticism for Warzone’s audio in general, explaining why he thinks it’s “a mess” overall.

The Doc was promptly downed by an enemy, launching him into a pretty scathing assessment of Warzone’s current audio. 

“F**king audio is so distracting in this game,” he said. “It’s so distracting in this game, audio, it’s just such a distraction. Worst audio design in the history of first-person shooter games – I think it’s this game, I really do.”

“I don’t know, everything just feels like it’s more of a distraction than anything,” he continued. “Audio doesn’t sound right, distances don’t sound right, it’s just a f**king mess man.” 

The two-time is not the first person to criticize Warzone’s audio, with a host of players arguing it needs refining. Some examples include players sounding further away than they are, as well as it not being clear which floor of a particular building an enemy player is on. 

In a game-mode like battle royale, players are very reliant on audio to let them know the location of opposition players, and many argue Warzone does not do enough to warn players of enemy locations. Clearly, the Doc agrees.