Drift0r explains why he still streams with the controversial Tmartn

YouTuber Drift0r cleared the air on why he chooses to stream and create content with Tmartn, despite his controversial past with gambling websites.

Drif0r positions himself as a moral and ethical content creator, a point which he reenforces at the beginning of the video. This stance is why his fans have questioned his decision to associate with Tmartn, who infamously was involved in the CS:GO Lotto scam.

“I found CS:GO Lotto, and Tmartns behavior, to be immoral and unethical,” started Drift0r. “I personally wouldn’t want any money from that kind of business.”

The YouTuber made it clear how he felt about Tmartn’s former business practices, saying “I would rather be broke than participate in that. I would rather be homeless.”

He broke down the CS:GO Lotto scandal one more time for those unaware, explaining how Tmartn found a few legal loopholes to technically be innocent of any crimes, even if it was morally wrong.

Drift0r attempted to explain why he was not more vocally critical at the scandal, saying he did not feel it was necessary.

“The entire internet got on Tmartn in hours… even my parents found out and asked me about this ‘Tmartn’ guy,” explained Drift0r. “There wasn’t one single thing I could think of to say that [Tmartn] hasn’t heard before… I didn’t need to do anything.’

CS:GO Lotto caused a lot of legal problems for Tmartn.

He also explained why he still associates with Tmartn to this day, explaining his friendship and tendency to forgive people.

“Because [Tmartn] is a friend, and because the punishment was severe, I just decided to forgive him,” said Drift0r. “I reached out to him once and told him it was wrong.”

“A bad deed was done, a punishment was doled out…I decided to forgive and move on. Definitely not forget, though,” closed Drift0r.