MW3 players rip Ritual Boss skin for “middle school art contest” quality

Shane Black
MW3 Dark Rituals IV Ritual Boss skin

A MW3 player is not holding back in their disdain for a new buyable skin that they feel is of “middle school art contest” quality.

Skins are a huge part of how the devs behind CoD make their money, and for many of the community, they haven’t been quite up-to-par recently in the eyes of the community.

Many believe that the skins should be unique and have a lot of effort put into them if they are going to cost money.

However, a CoD player is taking one recent skin and voicing that this isn’t the case, blasting the cosmetic for looking below the standard of something they’d consider purchasing

A CoD player is ripping a new skin for being “middle school art contest” quality

In a post to the MW3 subreddit, this player posted an image of the skin with a caption that reads: “Sorry, SHG, but this really looks like it took third place in a middle school art contest.”

They round out their post with a sarcastic apology to middle school students.

The general sentiment of the post is in agreement, with the top comment responding, “not to mention they literally just reused maces mask lmao.”

This is what a majority of the CoD community is taking issue with: the skins don’t just appear to be redone or recolored versions of previous skins, but they are also being charged full price for a skin that seems to be very similar to what they’ve already bought in the past.

As one user puts it: “I fully intend to not buy a single bundle in this game (I bought several bundles in MW2 btw). I thought it would be hard but they’re making it really easy for me.”

Another fan expressed how disappointed they were with the bundle, saying: “It’s so sad lol I love the dark rituals bundles I bought all of them and this one just pissed me off with how bad it was.”

It’s another example of an ongoing issue that has plagued the CoD series for many years, and it isn’t looking to subside anytime soon.