Shroud discovers Blackout looting bug, says he won’t play until Treyarch fixes [UPDATED]

Popular Twitch streamer Michael ‘Shroud’ Grzesiek ran into a game-breaking bug while playing Blackout on October 19 and vowed to not play the mode until it’s fixed.

Ever since the release of Black Ops 4 on October 12, Shroud has been pretty much playing nothing but Blackout on stream.

Even though he’s been enjoying his time, especially after a dominating win during Dr Disrepsect’s Code Red tournament, he ran into a new bug that has caused him to stop playing the mode altogether.

While playing the game on October 19, Shroud noticed that he wasn’t able to loot anything from an eliminated enemy despite having room in his inventory.

“It’s just broken then,” Shroud says about the latest bug. “Oh yeah, you’re right. It doesn’t work.”

He continued playing the mode for a few games before someone in his chat had seemingly discovered just what was causing the tricky bug.

“When you get max ammo, that’s when the bug kicks in and you’re fucked,” Shroud told his teammate about the recently uncovered info. “Basically, you kill one team and you can’t loot after that. It’s great.”

It’s at this point that Shroud realizes that the bug is far too important to ignore, saying “I’m not playing that, though, fuck that. That’s stupid.”

Shroud reiterated that he very much wants to play Blackout since he finds the game extremely fun, but he is simply unable to look past the bug.

Shortly after, he updated his stream title to “zombies until they fix blackout looting bug” and stopped playing Blackout.

For the proceeding two hours and counting, Shroud has been playing nothing but multiplayer as he waits for a fix to the popular game mode.

At the time of writing, Treyarch has not spoken out about the issue, but with the latest 1.03 update hitting Friday afternoon, it’s possible we could see a fix for this mode before the day is over.


While no official patch or fix has been released to remedy this issue, someone discovered a temporary fix that Shroud was able to use to get back in and play Blackout normally.