Warzone may never get FOV slider on console: CoD insiders claim it’s ‘impossible’

Brad Norton
Warzone Caldera gameplay

Console Warzone players may not want to hold their breath in waiting for a Field of View (FOV) slider to arrive on previous generation hardware. Prominent Call of Duty insiders have now claimed it just isn’t “possible.”

The most glaring difference between console and PC performance in Warzone is the addition of an FOV slider. With more information on-screen at any given time, PC players have a significant advantage over those on console.

Although fans have been pleading with devs for years now, there’s been no update. Even with top Warzone streamers like Swagg demanding a change, Activision hasn’t budged.

While many remain hopeful a console FOV slider will still arrive one day, such patience may be ill-advised. New claims from CoD leakers indicate it’s out of the picture due to “hardware limitations.”

Warzone FOV Slider
A higher FOV presents far more information than a lower FOV.

Hot off the heels of Warzone 2’s announcement, speculation began as to what improvements the sequel may bring. Supposedly a “completely new game for better hardware,” Tom Henderson previously reported the follow-up is targeting current-gen systems only.

It’s with this leap forward that devs can finally provide an FOV slider, ‘TheMW2Ghost’ claimed during a recent livestream. “They can do it [on current-gen],” he explained.

But for those on Xbox One or PlayStation 4, it’s best not to expect the same treatment, both leakers implied. Previous-gen hardware is “not getting an FOV slider because it’s technically not possible,” Henderson said.

“To sustain a nice resolution, an FOV slider would sacrifice graphics,” Ghost followed up. The consoles that launched in 2013 can’t have a stable Warzone performance with an FOV slider on top, they explained.

CoD Warzone 2 gameplay
Warzone 2 could feature an FOV slider but only for new-gen consoles.

A number of employees supposedly “didn’t want to do a Warzone 2,” Henderson added. Which he speculates is telling of “problems with the engine and hardware limitations.”

Jumping to a full-fledged sequel, opposed to a more traditional Warzone update, allows the dev team to leave already struggling consoles behind.

So while it’s safe to expect an FOV slider on console may finally arrive with Warzone 2, it appears the feature will be exclusive to new-gen hardware.