Warzone leaker reveals new items and major changes coming soon

Andy Williams
Buy Station in Call of Duty: Warzone.

A series of new Warzone leaks reveal a plethora of major changes coming to Verdansk soon — including a potential new gamemode and a new way at peeking the circle!

While Warzone may have revolutionized the battle royale meta when it was introduced back in March 2020, there has been very little offered to players to change the pace since.

Aside from introducing new Contracts, swapping out some weapons and adding dedicated duos/quads modes, the game itself is almost identical to what was on offer over three months ago.

The Dam in Verdansk.
Very little has changed in Verdansk since March.

But that could all change, if Geeky Pastimes’ findings come to fruition. The Warzone data miner posted a series of leaks which imply that a plethora of new items are coming to Verdansk

We already understand that a new “spotter scope” is due to be added, and that a big in-game event is on the horizon (which could be linked to the changes coming to the Stadium POI).

New Warzone gamemode?

Yet it appears that Infinity Ward has plenty more up their sleeve, as even more items and changes are in the pipeline, per Geeky Pastimes’ leak.


Recon Drones will prove a lot more useful than just obtaining intel, as they will now have the added functionality of being able to hack nearby items. Presumably this will be opponents’ equipment, and if so, this will be a game-changer in combating rooftop campers with claymores dotted all over entrances.

The leaker also implies that ‘Prop Hunt’ could be making a triumphant return to the franchise, and will be added to Verdansk in some capacity — a popular gamemode that was first introduced on Black Ops 3.

Peeking the circle location in Warzone?

And to top things off, there could be an additional item coming to Buy Stations which will permit players a peek at the next circle/endgame circle location. Although the dataminer struggled to interpret the exact way in which this would work.


Should this hold substance, though, this will render Recon Contracts also useless (unless the price point of the circle peek is ridiculously high).

Of course, as with all leaks, these findings must be taken with a pinch of salt… Infinity Ward may decide to pull the plug on any of these potential changes.

About The Author

Andy is a former Dexerto games writer, with a passion for competitive shooter titles like CS:GO and Valorant.