Warzone Season 4 trailer might have leaked the newest vehicle in Verdansk

Jacob Hale

Season 4 of Warzone and Black Ops Cold War is right around the corner, and the trailer for the big update might have leaked the next vehicle arriving in Verdansk.

The trailer for Season 4 dropped on Thursday, June 10, and gave fans many a reason to be excited.

Warzone players will be getting a brand new POI called Satellite, with a gigantic satellite that appears to have fallen onto Verdansk and spread wreckage across Farmland. Not only that, but the Gulag will be changing to a smaller version of classic Black Ops 2 map Hijacked, which is returning to Black Ops Cold War multiplayer.

There is also going to be new weapons, cosmetics, and an Operator arriving with the new season, but the trailer might have given away a little more than planned.

In the latter half of the trailer above, when the focus switches to Warzone, there’s a split second where you see something not commonly seen in Verdansk.

Around 40 seconds in, as pointed out by hn6 on Reddit, there are several players riding motorbikes while avoiding gunfire from a chasing helicopter.

As it stands, motorbikes aren’t in Warzone and haven’t been announced yet, but it would definitely be very weird to include them in the trailer if there weren’t plans to bring them in.

Motorbikes spotted in Warzone Season 4 trailer
Motorbikes spotted in Warzone Season 4 trailer.

Interestingly, a leak came out in April 2021 revealing eight possible new vehicles coming to Warzone — and none of them were a motorbike.

It’s unclear how exactly a motorbike would fit into the meta right now. There are a number of vehicles already in use, and a motorbike doesn’t provide much coverage from enemy gunfire.

That said, it would likely be a lot quicker than some of the bulkier cars currently residing in Verdansk, which might make it easier to zip around the map and get to where you need to. Either way, it could get very interesting.