YouTuber roasts “cringe” car videos on TikTok

Kieran Bicknell

TikTok continues to dominate the social media scene, with everything from hilarious short videos to fully-fledged scandals. There’s also a ‘car’ section of the app, but one YouTuber has let rip when discussing the genre, branding it “cringe.”

Roasting other people’s cars on social media is always interesting, but the outlandish cars on TikTok in particular have proven to be the perfect material for YouTuber Drew Peacock.

While platforms such as Instagram or Twitter are well-known for hosting the ‘car scene‘, TikTok is relatively new to automotive fans. The vertical-only videos restrict a lot of typical ‘shots’ used with cars, while the short-form videos prevent any sort of in-depth reviews or content.

That’s not to say that car enthusiasts haven’t tried to make use of the platform. However, according to Drew, it hasn’t been particularly successful for many.

TikTok Camber Car
Drew branded heavily-cambered cars such as this “useless.”

YouTuber brands car scene TikTok as “cringe”

Having gathered a number of viral and well-viewed TikToks to review, YouTuber Drew Peacock went in with an open mind, saying his fans have “wanted him to do a TikTok review for some time.”

Unfortunately, things got off to a bad start with a heavily-modified Honda. The big wing, custom graphics, and neon lighting didn’t sit well at all with Drew.

Not only was the car not to his taste, but it set him off on a rant about the scene in general on TikTok. He labeled it “cringe” and said it was full of “whack-a** cars and with popular songs over [the video] to make it look hard.”

Things didn’t get much better from there. Having watched a video of a heavily-cambered Nissan 350Z without music, he says the clips are just “useless” especially without the musical overlay to add interest.

TikTok seems to host plenty of modified car videos, since the cars themselves are visually striking. However, these were branded “goofy” and “the dumbest **** ever.” Each to their own, but if your car can’t go more than one block without attracting police attention, there’s probably an issue there.

Overall, despite a few race videos that seemed to be amusing, the general consensus of the video was that car TikTok isn’t a great place to be. While there’s no doubt there will be plenty of people that love the videos featured, they clearly weren’t to this YouTubers taste.