How tall is Loki? Height in MCU & Marvel Comics explained

Christopher Baggett
Loki time-slipping

Loki has always been a larger-than-life figure, but how physically tall he is may surprise you. 

Loki Season 2’s release is imminent. At the same time, Loki is undergoing an impressive physical transformation in The Immortal Thor, becoming a more terrifying version of himself than we’ve seen in years. 

Loki is also a physically imposing character in general. While the MCU doesn’t necessarily highlight it as much as comics and animation have, Loki is still depicted as an incredibly tall figure. 

A lot of it is thanks to Tom Hiddleston’s natural height, coupled with some camera trickery, but it can be a bit confusing for fans. So, just how tall is Loki, anyway? 

How tall is Loki in Marvel Comics?

In Marvel Comics, Loki stands 6 feet and 4 inches, according to The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. The handbook also lists his adopted brother, Thor, at just a hair taller – 6’ 6”. Loki is considered a runt Frost Giant, while Asgardians are typically the size of larger humans, so being smaller than other Asgardians does make a sort of sense. 

Loki's various incarnations throughout the years
Loki has had multiple incarnations but most often is depicted as being very tall.

Loki himself doesn’t seem quite that large compared to other heroes. For comparison, Spider-Man is around 5’ 10”, while Captain America is 6’ 2”, a mere two inches shorter. 

How tall is Loki in the MCU? 

Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki in the MCU, is 6 feet and two inches.

Loki himself doesn’t necessarily have an officially noted height; Marvel published several Guidebook to the Marvel Cinematic Universe collections, but these don’t make a note of heights. Therefore, it’s safe to assume he’s meant to be around the same height. 

Loki in the MCU is tall, but not quite as tall as his Asgardian counterparts.

The films don’t have to change too much to make his height seem in line with the world around him. He’s most often in scenes with Chris Hemsworth’s Thor. Given Hemsworth is 6’ 3”, it works. There is some trickery to make Odin seem larger than life, though, given Anthony Hopkins’ 5’ 9” frame.

Much like in the comics, Loki is considered a runt, so his height lining up with Asgardians rather than the typically 8-10 foot tall Frost Giants makes sense. The Asgardians of the MCU are also not quite as larger than life as their comic book counterparts, so shaving off a few inches makes them fit better into the world. 

Loki Season 2 debuts October 4 on Disney +. For more Loki news, be sure to follow all our coverage