How strong is Human Torch? Fantastic Four character powers & weakness explained

Christopher Baggett
Human Torch Marvel Comics

After being bombarded by cosmic rays, Johnny Storm became the Human Torch. Though he’s an incredibly powerful hero, his strengths and weaknesses are surprisingly mundane. 

Reed Richards went on an unauthorized launch in an experimental spacecraft with his best friend, Ben Grimm, and his girlfriend, Sue Storm. Tagging along was Sue’s younger brother, Johnny Storm. 

The quartet was bombarded with cosmic radiation, each receiving powers as a result. Johnny gained the ability to control a living flame, taking on the name Human Torch. 

Johnny’s long been one of Marvel’s popular superheroes, at one point even leading his own solo title. Before he made his inevitable MCU debut, here’s a look at his Marvel counterpart’s strengths and weaknesses. 

Human Torch strengths in Marvel Comics

Human Torch absorbing heat
Human Torch can absorb and expel fire and heat.

Mastery over flame and heat

As the Human Torch, Johnny has control over flames. This includes a number of caveats that make him one of the best wielders of energy-based powers in the Marvel Universe. 

Obviously, Johnny can conjure flames. This includes throwing flames, spraying flames at foes, and igniting flames in objects. He can also control the flame to create burning constructs, such as a massive 4, to let his team know where he is. 

However, this control also extends to flames he didn’t make. This means he can snuff out a fire by absorbing it, making him just as effective as a firefighter as a superhero. 

Human Torch throwing fire
In addition to throwing fire, Johnny has a plasma form that allows him to fly and protects him from harm.

Plasma form

As a result of the cosmic radiation that affected Reed Richards, Susan Storm, and Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm found himself transformed into a being made of flame. 

This form turned out to be one of his primary powers. By transforming into his plasma form, Johnny becomes much more durable. He can also fly thanks to his form accelerating the molecules surrounding his body. 

Johnny’s control over this form has increased significantly over the years, allowing him to leave certain body parts extinguished (like his arms when he needs to carry someone) or add more detail to the form, like a visible face or Fantastic Four logo. 

Human Torch uses his Nova Flame
Human Torch’s Nova Flame can burn as hot as a sun, but only briefly.

Nova Flame

Johnny easily got the strongest ability of the FF, thanks to his fantastic (no pun intended) Nova Flame. 

The Nova Flame is Johnny’s name for the hottest temperatures he can reach. These are typically used in times of desperation or when there’s a big threat that the FF’s normal powers just aren’t making a dent in. 

At peak Nova Flame, Johnny is blisteringly hot – like the heat and light of a sun. The drawback is this form will drain him completely, leaving him unable to use his powers until he can naturally recharge. 

Human Torch weaknesses in Marvel Comics

Human Torch burns up all his oxygen
The Human Torch can easily burn up all his oxygen, leading to him passing out.

Oxygen deprivation

The Human Torch needs to breathe oxygen both for his body and flames. This, of course, means he’s got to be extra careful about his current supply. 

It puts Johnny at something of a disadvantage in many fights. In space, Johnny doesn’t have access to oxygen to use his powers. He also can’t use his powers underwater.

Johnny also has to be mindful of where he’s using his powers. In an enclosed area (like one of the Invisible Woman’s bubbles), his Nova Flame can burn up the oxygen in seconds, rendering his flame extinguished and leading him to pass out. 

Thing and Human Torch learn the Fantastic Fours powers are linked - Marvel Two-in-One #3
The powers of the Fantastic Four are tied to their proximity.

Cosmic Power Synergy

After Secret Wars, Reed and Sue were missing as they explored the cosmos, helping Franklin Richards and Molecule Man rebuild the multiverse. The Thing joined up with the Guardians of the Galaxy, while Johnny joined the Inhumans. 

During this time, Johnny noticed his flames gradually getting weaker. Reuniting with Ben, the pair would learn the powers of the Fantastic Four were cosmically tethered, and their powers were slowly fading. 

Johnny and Ben’s powers were eventually restored when Reed and Sue returned in 2018’s Fantastic Four #1, and so long as the group remains in the same universe, this seems to no longer be an issue. 

That’s all we have for the strengths and weaknesses of the Human Torch in Marvel Comics, but for more Fantastic Four and comic book news, be sure to follow all of Dexerto’s coverage