Marvel reveals new Moon Knight & ongoing series ahead of Death of Moon Knight event

Christopher Baggett
Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 cover art

Marc Spector is dying, but a mysterious new Moon Knight will take his place in Marvel Comics’ upcoming series Vengeance of the Moon Knight.

With the upcoming Death of Moon Knight event having been teased for months now, fans have been wondering how exactly the popular character would meet his end. It’s not like Moon Knight’s a stranger to death, after all. 

Moon Knight’s origin has long presented that mercenary Marc Spector died in the shadow of the Moon God Khonshu’s statue and was revived by Khonshu to serve as his avatar. Since then, the notion of whether or not Spector can truly die has been called into question multiple times. 

Marvel is calling his bluff, though, with the Death of Moon Knight event. The publisher is making no bones about it either, definitively stating that Marc Spector will die in December’s Moon Knight #30. Now, ahead of his death, Marvel has announced a brand new ongoing series – and a brand new Moon Knight. 

Vengeance of the Moon Knight will introduce Marc Specter’s replacement

With Moon Knight ending at #30 to coincide with Specter’s death, Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 launches in January. The new series promises to follow up on Moon Knight’s death but also teases the mystery of who will become the new Fist of Khonshu. 

Cover art shared by Marvel reveals a haunting new Moon Knight design, as well. While the character has traditionally been clad in head-to-toe white, the new look is notably darker, with glowing moon emblems adorning the body. 

Concept art for Vengeance of the Moon Knight
A new Moon Knight in a new, black suit makes his debut in Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1.

“We needed a new black suit in this series so here we are!” series artist Alessandro Cappuccio explained. “For the design, I took inspiration from ancient Egyptian banded armor while trying to stay true to the mood of the character. I replaced the classic batons with similar weapons that are reminiscent of the flowers of the Nile as depicted in the hieroglyphics. He is a new Moon Knight in both appearance and spirit and needed a change of look to suit the situation as you will see!”

This release will mark the second run of Vengeance of the Moon Knight. The original series, which ran for 10 issues from 2009-2010, saw Moon Knight attempting to return to his operations in New York after being run out by Norman Osborn during the Dark Reign.

The identity of the new Moon Knight remains a mystery. Though the character has been in publication since the 1970s, only Marc Spector has been Moon Knight throughout his history. The Spector incarnation of Moon Knight has appeared in the MCU via a Disney+ series, portrayed by Oscar Isaac. 

Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 hits stands January 3. For more Marvel Comics & Moon Knight news, be sure to follow all our coverage