Elon Musk demanded a Cyberpunk 2077 cameo while visiting devs with a gun

Ethan Dean
Elon Musk Cyberpunk 2077 Gun

Elon Musk brought a 200-year-old gun to a Cyberpunk 2077 recording session and parleyed for a cameo. According to Walter Isaacson’s new biography, Musk crashed Grimes’ time in the VA studio and made his case.

Cyberpunk 2077 is no stranger to celebrities with appearances from Keanu Reeves and of course Grimes. The upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC even has Idris Elba taking on a major role.

The game’s initial launch was one of the most famous missteps in video game history despite defenses from CD Projekt Red. Cyberpunk 2077’s development was plagued by big promises and bigger expectations, but it turns out it was also plagued by Elon Musk.

Walter Isaacson’s biography for the tech billionaire, simply titled Elon Musk, reveals that the Tesla CEO had his own aspirations for an appearance in Cyberpunk 2077. Musk was apparently “obsessed” with the game in the lead-up to its release prompting a desire so strong, he’d use a gun to get it.

Isaacson reports that while Grimes was recording lines for Lizzy Wizzy, a cybernetic popstar and romance option in Cyberpunk 2077, Musk “showed up at the studio wielding a two-hundred-year-old gun.”

“The studio guys were like sweating,” Grimes told Isaacson in an interview for the biography. The gun may have been the replica flintlock pistol that Musk keeps beside his bed. “I told them that I was armed but not dangerous,” Musk explained to Isaacson.

Isaacson posits that Musk became preoccupied with Cyberpunk 2077 because it focused on technologies similar to his own companies, specifically Neuralink. Interface between the mind and computers is prevalent in the game so it’s not a stretch.

Interestingly enough, Musk actually did manage a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077, even after this bizarre incident. At least, we think he did. A bathroom orderly from the game’s Corpo intro looks suspiciously like him at any rate.

Cyberpunk 2077 Elon Musk Cameo
You tell us who that’s supposed to be.

It’s unknown whether Musk’s potential inclusion as a lowly menial has anything to do with this incident involving the gun. Musk’s apparent fixation with Cyberpunk 2077 didn’t stop him from taking some shots at the game in the aftermath of its release.

There aren’t any reports of Musk featuring in the upcoming DLC but we’ve got plenty of other coverage on the lead-up to Phantom Liberty.

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