Bungie issues “final” statement amid Destiny 2 leak saga as new evidence comes to light

Liam Ho
Destiny 2 Season of the Defiance seasonal activity gameplay example

Bungie has responded to the community with a final decision amid the Destiny 2 leak saga, stating that they have found “irrefutable evidence” to back their case against content creator Ekuegan.

The Destiny 2 community and Bungie have been at odds with one another due to a serious controversy surrounding new leaks after a recent confidential summit. The summit invited certain content creators and community members to sneak a peek at the future of Destiny, with someone then leaking photos and information from it after the fact.

After the leaks were sent out to social media and various Discord servers, mostly leaks pertaining to Season of the Deep, Bungie issued a statement about the breach of trust this had caused, warning that they may not be able to run summits again. Bungie then turned their attention towards streamer and content creator Ekuegan as the alleged culprit of the leaks.

Ekuegan has since vehemently denied Bungie’s accusations, claiming that they’ve “made a huge mistake and will clear (his) name”. Many community members have come to support the streamer, believing that they are innocent despite the developer’s claims.

Now, however, it appears that Bungie is done dealing with the matter once and for all, as they just released a final, conclusive statement on the situation.

Bungie issues final statement amid Destiny 2 leak controversy

According to Bungie, its “Security and Legal team have reviewed irrefutable evidence” proving that the same individual has shared confidential information over the years. Among this evidence included “video recordings, verified messages, and images demonstrating a pattern over time”.

Bungie continued the statement by expressing the disappointment shared by the developers.

“We are very disappointed to have learned this information and wish that things had gone differently with this person. We do not take these actions lightly, and we are confident in our decision.” the Destiny 2 developers continued.

They concluded by announcing it as their “final communication” on the matter, implying that this controversial series of events has come to a close. At the time of writing, the PlayStation-owned studio is not looking to press charges against the content creator, despite Bungie’s alleged pile of evidence against them.