Destiny 2 devs assure The Final Shape won’t be the game’s ultimate conclusion

Brad Norton
Destiny 2 The Final Shape cinematic

Bungie has once again reassured Guardians the Destiny 2 universe isn’t being left behind after The Final Shape takes form. Quite the opposite, in fact, as developers have doubled down on their commitment to the game’s future after the Light and Darkness Saga.

For the better part of the last decade, Destiny has been building to an epic culmination of what’s been coined its Light and Darkness Saga. From the very beginning of Destiny 1 through to the current day in Destiny 2, everything has revolved around this central narrative.

A few years prior, when Bungie unveiled the next few years of its timeline in MCU-esque fashion, at the very end of it all was an expansion called The Final Shape. Back then, it meant very little. But now, with Lightfall behind us and this conclusive chapter coming into focus, many have been concerned of Destiny 2’s future.

What happens after The Final Shape? Is the end of the Light and Darkness Saga the end of Destiny? These questions and more have been on the tip of Guardian’s tongues for years and now, we finally have a definitive answer. Destiny 2 is set to live on well into the future.

“Destiny 2 will continue after The Final Shape and the three Episodes announced today,” the dev team clarified once and for all shortly after the August 22 showcase.

Despite having addressed the rumors of Destiny’s conclusion years ago, even prior to Lightfall’s release, it’s still been a hot topic of late. Now, fans can rest easy knowing Bungie is absolutely committed to its hit live-service FPS and that the end of the Light and Darkness Saga won’t mark the end of the franchise as a whole.

“Over the past five years, we’ve been driving toward the culmination of the Light & Darkness Saga. It’s a crucial moment in the Destiny universe, but far from the last big story we have to tell.

“The Destiny 2 team is deeply committed to this world and this community, and it’s an exciting time as we look beyond the story of the Light & Darkness Saga to where we go from here.”

Exactly what the future beyond this Saga holds, we’ll just have to wait and see. But once we’ve dealt with The Witness and The Final Shape is behind us, devs confirmed we’ll hear more in 2024.

Further discussing the future of the franchise during The Final Shape showcase, devs outlined how the Destiny 2 team hasn’t dwindled whatsoever while new projects like Marathon have started up.

Rather, Bungie has only continued to expand, hiring for all different projects while maintaining its Destiny 2 workforce.

“When we start up new projects, we’re deliberate on who moves over and who stays behind. Expanding while maintaining the work we already have,” General Manager Dan McAuliffe said. With the ultimate goal to “keep moving Destiny forward.”