Destiny 2 players band together in Gambit to honor memory of fallen Guardian

Liam Ho
Gambit Logo in Destiny 2

The Destiny 2 community has banded together to play the Gambit game mode as Thundercrash Titans in order to honor the memory of a Guardian who had recently passed away.

Bungie’s sci-fi looter shooter Destiny 2 is easily one of the more popular games at the moment. The galactic FPS has seen massive success, with the developers Bungie at the forefront of the game’s development. Many players have hopped on board to try Destiny, particularly with the game going free to play and the release of the Lightfall expansion.

As a constantly online game, one of the stronger aspects of Destiny 2 is its community. With a shared love for the game, the community of Destiny 2 has always been passionate about various topics within the titles. Often times community members are sharing memes, opinions, and advice with others. Whether it be facing the strongest foes in LFG raids or just messing around in the tower, it’s always a great feeling to see your fellow Guardians out and about.

Sometimes the community in Destiny 2 goes far above and beyond the game, offering to help out players with real-life issues or banding together to assist others in the scene. As a recent example, a Guardian called for the Destiny 2 community to come together in commemoration of a friend who had recently passed away.

Destiny 2 community joins together in commemorating fallen Guardian

A Reddit user asked the Destiny 2 community for help in honoring the memory of their friend Derek Hartz. Hartz was described an avid Titan main whose favorite super was the Arc Thundercrash. Unfortunately, on June 13, 2023, Hartz was murdered, according to the post.

This news gained traction across social media as players have since rushed to play Hartz’s favorite mode of Gambit as Arc Thundercrash Titans in his memory.

“He was a Titan main, the Superman super one. I’m asking that all Titans please play a game of Gambit with that super in his memory. Gambit was his favorite mode in the game. We used to grind the heck out for Mal back in the day and help people get the gun. His striker Titan and my Kamehameha Warlock all day,” the post reads.

Piccolo is hoping that Hartz gets a kick from seeing all of the Destiny 2 community take down Primevals with his favorite super.

“D, if this works, I hope you get a kick out of seeing Titans flying all over the gambit maps and maybe this lock might be able to cope with you being gone,” Piccolo continued.

You can donate to Derek’s GoFundMe page here.