Destiny 3 trends as players dismiss it as a “stupid idea”

Brianna Reeves
destiny 3 trend

Destiny 3 recently became a trending topic on Twitter, and it didn’t take long for many fans of the series to dismiss it as a “stupid idea.”

In the lead up to Destiny’s original September 2014, Bungie and its then-partner Activision teased the game’s 10-year-plan. Obviously, such a plan never took shape, given that a proper sequel launched approximately three years later.

Though the studio later parted ways with Activision and revitalized Destiny 2 in interesting ways, many can’t help but wonder if a third numbered entry will ever go live.

Such talk recently made the rounds on social media, opening up discussions about whether or not fans want Bungie to pursue a Destiny 3.

Fans debate value of a possible Destiny 3 amid Twitter trend

Destiny-dedicated podcast The Destiny Show recently posed the question of whether players would want Bungie to build a third numbered entry after The Final Shape expansion.

Presumably, the discussion led to the game trending on social media where fans have made clear their thoughts on the matter.

One person argued that before such talks even get going, fans should delete their Bungie account, open a new one, then re-purchase every piece of DLC, etc., “because that’s what’s gonna happen if D3 happens.”

In response to the podcast’s question, someone else very pointedly stated, “Absolutely the fu** not. What is there realistically to be gained by a Destiny 3?”

Meanwhile, others joked that asking for Destiny 3 is old hat; instead, fans should “Ask for Destiny 4.”

But some longtime players maintain that Destiny 3 is likely the most logical path forward for the series. For example, one Twitter user claimed a “fresh start” is the only way they see themselves revisiting Destiny at all.

Another user shared a similar sentiment, saying Diablo 4 makes it clear that “Destiny deserves a Destiny 3.” This particular player added, “Build a whole new game. Stop building on this framework. It’s not WoW lol.”

Of course, there’s also hope that a new engine would power the prospective Destiny 3, especially for those who want the experience to look and play better.

While Bungie has yet to indicate whether a third game or updated tech is in the works, it seems this constitutes one topic that players won’t soon cease to discuss.