Diablo 2 Resurrected Beta patch notes: Functionality Changes, Bug Fixes

Lawrence Scotti

Diablo 2 Resurrected is getting one final patch before the game goes into open beta, and there are a handful of changes that are helping clean up the game’s performance.

The full retail release of Diablo 2 Resurrected is fast approaching, but before that, Blizzard is hosting an open beta of the game for fans to dip their toes back into hell.

Diablo 2 Resurrected’s Open Beta is running from August 20 – August 23, but before it drops, Blizzard is putting out one last patch to make some final adjustments before the game is played by the general public.

These patch notes show that Blizzard is cleaning up more buggy areas of the game so that when it is played by a more broad audience in the open beta there will be fewer issues. There is also an update for players that use a controller that helps clean up previously inaccurate button presses, which were leading to players spending points in skills they didn’t want. Most of the other changes are fixing bugs that were previously crashing the game for many players, including upon launching the game.

Diablo 2 Resurrected character select
Diablo 2’s official release date is September 23, 2021.

Open Beta Patch Notes

Blizzard’s Community Manager Hooley posted the patch notes in a blog post, and here they are:


  • Skill purchases now require separate button presses‎ (Controller)


  • Fixed several bugs that could cause a crash upon launching the game
  • Fixed a bug that could cause players to crash when toggling the Legacy mode
  • Fixed a bug that could cause players to crash when opening a Trade window
  • Fixed a bug that could cause players to crash when the Skill Select window prompted
  • Fixed a bug that could cause degraded performance over time
  • Fixed several bugs that could cause a crash when encountering poor server connectivity
  • Fixed several bugs that could cause a crash on consoles
  • Added several client, server and network optimizations


  • Fixed a bug preventing players from accepting party invites while the game window was minimized
  • Fixed a bug preventing players from toggling on or off their Paladin Auras

There aren’t too many changes here, but the changes that are coming will help make a more seamless Diablo 2 experience.

The full retail version of Diablo 2 Resurrected is planned to be released on September 23, 2021.