Miyazaki acknowledges Bloodborne remake demands in wake of Elden Ring DLC reveal

Ethan Dean
Bloodborne Remake

Hype for Elden Ring’s DLC is through the roof but that hasn’t deterred fans desperate for a Bloodborne remake. The good news is, Miyazaki hears you.

Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC has finally received a trailer and the excitement for more FromSoftware goodness is palpable. The internet is abuzz with speculation and even our own writers think the best is yet to come for the game.

Of course, FromSoftware fans are a dedicated bunch and just because there is a shiny new toy, doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten their old ones. Fans of the developer have been asking for a Bloodborne remake for years now.

In an interview with Eurogamer, FromSoftware President Hidetaka Miyazaki acknowledged the love for Bloodborne and spoke briefly on how FromSoftware handles remakes. New hardware may be the key to revisiting Yharnam.

“It is a title we hold very dear and just as much as our fans,” Miyazaki said when asked about a potential Bloodborne remake. “It does make me very happy to see that there are still so many people passionate about it.”

Whether that passion makes a remake feel viable to FromSoftware is as yet unknown. Given Bloodborne was only released on the PlayStation 4 and still holds up incredibly well, it may not feel necessary to the developer.

“I think having new hardware is definitely a part of what gives these remakes value,” Miyazaki said. “Things you weren’t able to achieve on previous generations of hardware.”

New hardware isn’t the only consideration that Miyazaki makes when considering the viability of a remake though. “I think that accessibility is important. I think that can be the driving force between bringing an old game to a new platform,” he said.

Bloodborne Screenshot
We don’t know how many improvements Bluepoint can make here.

Bloodborne’s availability on current-gen hardware and its serviceable fidelity means we might not see a remake until there’s a considerable technical leap. Miyazaki certainly appreciates the love though.

“When we see those passionate voices in the community, of course, it makes us feel thrilled, it makes us feel very fortunate to have that and to have those memories,” he finished.