Alligator named Darth Gator is trained to answer to the Star Wars theme

Meera Jacka
Alligator named Darth Gator is trained to answer to the Star Wars theme

An alligator named after a famous Star Wars villain has been revealed to hilariously answer the call of his very own theme song.

It may come as a surprise to some that alligators can be trained — well, to a degree.

Despite their hostile appearances and a set of very sharp teeth, it turns out these reptiles aren’t opposed to learning new tricks.

And one in particular has Twitter falling in love with his impressive tricks. Star Wars fans better pay attention and prepare to meet a new mighty foe: Darth Gator.

Posted by ‘Everglades’ on Twitter, the video shows Paul Bedard — an actor and star of the TV show Gator Boys. Bedard is also a trapper known for saving gators from harvest.

Approaching a pool of alligators in the video, Bedard said, “Going to see if Darth can hear from this far away.”

He then played The Imperial March, the main theme song for Star Wars’ famous lead villain. Sure enough, one of the gators began to “march” forward. Bedard revealed he could even get the gator to stop by simply hitting pause on the song.

Darth Gator
Darth Gator didn’t hesitate to come when called by the song.

Darth Gator was rewarded for his good behavior, given a meaty snack and of course, compliments by both Bedard and those watching online.

Twitter users hailed the gator, with one writing, “Imagine being an alligator and having your own theme song. The other gators must think he’s so badass!”

Another said, “The fact that he was perfect on the beat with his Vader walk,” with a third person sharing a similar sentiment; “The slappy slap of his feet.”

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